Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Information Interaction Design

The incorporation of information design, interaction design, and sensorial design results in the theory of Information Interactive design. The principles of information interactive design are practiced by all of us in some shape or form whether it be slide shows, newsletters, graphics, music, etc.

Example of an interactive web program (http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com)

The greatest advantage of information interaction design is the immersion of the audience into the  presentation of information being shared. For example, by adding a simple diagram to complex ideas in a textbook information that could have potentially been misinterpreted by the reader was communicated by reinforcing the data and asking the reader to link the diagram to the reading.

The main weakness of this theory is finding the best media to utilize as an information vehicle. As stated by Nathan Shedroff, " a reader/user/consumer has access to many media and, most likely, is not as enamored of the technology of any particular medium as its developer might be" (Jacobson 286).

To best practice this theory in this blog, I will either find a widget or create one that will further the experience of my audience of Information Design.

Jacobson, Robert. Information Design. Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2000. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Nice explanation and visual representation of information interaction design. The media’s ability to involve the viewer definitely helps keep the viewer’s attention. I prefer to use media that offers a hands on type of approach (black pen personality), yet lack the ability or confidence to create an interactive design.
